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Amberle Madden

Music Video, New Merch, and Dates

Hey March Newsletter! Look at me go! I have been remembering to write this thing like a lot! But whatever. Thanks for clicking so you can get the ramble-y ramblings of my newsletter writing ass mind… Anyways, this is what is going on right now, what has happened recently and what is comin’ up!

I have been making a full restock of pins, magnets and keychains, plus adding a small selection of earrings, for our merch table. If you don’t know, I hand draw these things and they are one of a kind pieces of wearable art! I am adding some printed CHTB ladies that are not though. I have also changed how I am making them. They look better, and should be more sturdy and durable as well. So that is exciting.

We released our 1st single off of our album ‘ALL IN’ a couple of weeks ago and were so pleasantly surprised by the reception of that track and the lyric video! Seems that people liked what we made and that is amazing!! We have numerous radio stations all over, internet and terrestrial playing our song as well. From here to Australia and France even! Which is just so fucking cool!! If you missed that, ‘Windows Turning Black’ can be streamed anywhere you get your music and here is a link that can help you find it !! That was so heartwarming and touching and just so amazing!!

We are also working on new merch designs for the ALBUM RELEASE; shirts and stickers at the least! I am really excited about that too!! They are going to be very cool, I think!

Outside of that we have a bunch of shows comin’ up, are going to be on the radio in Lakeland and are booking the final dates on our CD release tour at the end of April into May!! Please do make sure if you are anywhere near Tampa or Winter Haven, come to one of our CD release shows!!! It is the most exciting thing we have done to date and I would love to share it with as many people as possible!!

Anyways, thank you for bearing with my rambling and for giving a shit enough to read to the bottom, I see you there!! Hugs and loves to you big time!!

Amberle <3 <3 <3

List of dates comin’ up:

Sat. March 14th Poisonville Songs with Comin' Home The Band 8 to 9 in St. Pete!

Friday March 20th Mayhem in the AM we will be on air early in the morning!!

Also March 20th we will be playing acoustic at The Talking Pint in Riverview!

March 24th is the day of the 'Bearing Claws' Internet single release! With music video and streaming everywhere!!!

Saturday March 28th in Winter Park at the Haven Lounge with A Fine Line, Vertebreaker and Vapid!

Sunday March 29th in Sarasota at The Five O'clock Club with All Hail The Queen and our sister band who we miss so much, CRUEL CURSES!!

Friday April 17th at Jessies lounge in Winter Haven our first CD RELEASE PARTY!!!!!! Cmpny of Anmls and Cruel Curses will be there with us!!

Saturday April 18th at the BRASS MUG our TAMPA CD RELEASE SHOW!! We are playing with Against Us All, Cruel Curses, Virginia Rose, and Against My Will!! Fuck yea!

April 21st our CD will be streaming everywhere online!! All of it but that sweet bonus track.

And then April 24th, we head out on our CD release tour!

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